Thursday, July 21, 2016

Anonymous - Message to the Citizens of Turkey

Greetings World, We are Anonymous. Recent events show the suppression of education in the media in Turkey, these practices are undemocratic and gives us the idea the citizens of Turkey are being indoctrinated. As Turkish people said, Erdoğan was democratically elected, but democratic values go beyond the electoral system. Opposition should always have a voice and the free flow of information should be encouraged. WikiLeaks has sustained denial of service attacks after announcing they will release internal emails of the Turkish government, and we suspect the Turkish government will try to censor any information WikiLeaks will release. Erdoğan has already ordered Wiki leaks to be blocked nationwide in Turkey. We ask of the people in Turkey to take interest in the material WikiLeaks is releasing and to not dismiss it because a leader tells them too. We advocate the use of anti-censorship tools such as Tor Browser. We will do our best to translate the material WikiLeaks releases for the international community to consume and to provide a better understanding of the ongoing situation in Turkey. Check the description of this video for more details. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. Expect Us.

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