Monday, July 4, 2016

Anonymous - Independence Day Message (4th of July 2016)

Greetings citizens of the world,

Those of you from the United States should know the 4th of July is Independence Day. Like Memorial Day, Independence Day should also be about remembering. While there's nothing wrong with celebrating on Independence Day, it's important to know why you're celebrating and what the day is really about.

The past is often sadly overlooked or forgotten. It can seem irrelevant when facing the challenges of today, however many of the challenges we face today are challenges people faced in the past as well. The simple fact is that besides technological advances, we are very similar to our ancestors. For throughout human history we have always faced injustice and in response have pursued our basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This 4th of July we celebrate our independence from the tyranny and oppression of one nation, while remaining ever vigilant to avoid tyranny and oppression within our own nation. Just as Britain has had it's light spots and dark spots in history, so has the United States. It's vitally important to remember the challenges of the past are still very similar to the challenges of the present. Nevertheless, if we learn from the challenges of the past and present, we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We can Forgive,
Yet we shall Never Forget,
Expect Us.

*This message is the same as last years 4th of July, yet still relevant.*

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