Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Was Orlando gunman Omar Mateen secretly gay?

Did killer Orlando gunman Omar Mateen have secret gay life?
The investigation into the Orlando mass shooting took a strange twist Tuesday with some patrons of the gay nightclub that gunman Omar Mateen turned into a killing field saying he was a regular there and used gay hookup apps. There were also reports that Mateen’s wife knew he was about to go on a rampage. This all as President Barack Obama plans to visit Orlando Thursday. William Brangham reports.

Born: New York. US citizen of Afghan descent

Died: Aged 29. He was shot and killed by police after opening fire at a gay club in Orlando and killing 49 people - America’s worst-ever mass shooting

Occupation: Worked as a security guard for G4S in Florida from September 2007 until his death

Gun licence: He had a licence for concealed carry. He also had a licence to work as a security guard

Religion: Mateen prayed at his local mosque four times a week and had pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State

Personal life: Mateen's ex-wife Sitora Yusifiy said he was "mentally unstable and mentally ill". She told reporters that in the four months they were together he regularly beat her, before she was rescued by her family

Known to police: He became “a person of interest” in 2013 and again in 2014

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