Friday, June 24, 2016

The People Voted To Exit The EU, Now The Central Bankers Will Attack

Durable Goods implode and it the worst the country has seen.Goods shipped around the country is continually declining which supports the declining economic indicators such as, retail,GDP and employment.UK voted to leave the EUR, David Cameron resigns. Many other EU nations are calling for the same type of referendum to leave the EU. Soft capital controls were put into effect in the UK. Markets are down and gold is up. More countries are now moving into the dollar. TTIP is now in trouble because the BREXIT.The EU, the EU nations and the UK Parliament still need to approve the exit. Now the corporate media and the central banks are talking recession or maybe even a depression. US and the moderate rebels are making the case that Russia is using incendiary weapons, pure propaganda. Russia pushing the UNSC to make Turkey respect Syria's sovereignty.The IS is pushing the idea that the EU is in chaos and now they will wage their attacks.

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