Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Global Elite Are Losing Control | Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux

The mainstream media is in it's death throes and the average person is looking elsewhere for information about what is happening in the world today. Alex Jones joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss the erosion of confidence in the mainstream media, how the global elites are losing control of the narrative, what happens when government money runs out, the rise of globalism, the repeating cycle of civilizations throughout history and what we can do to win the information war. Since the age of 20, Alex Jones has been working in alternative media – starting with an access television show and growing into the wildly syndicated Alex Jones Show which is now on over 160 stations across the United States. In addition to the wide radio audience, is a massive online news platform read by millions and millions each month and the streaming channel hosts Infowars Nightly News, special reports and Alex’s many documentary films.

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