Sunday, June 26, 2016

Swedish Democrats Call for Swexit Vote

First of all, I want to thank all of you who submitted suggestions for my interview or Press TV last night.
The interview went well. I got about 2 minutes on live TV. I tried to record it with SnagIt. It recorded both sides of the video, but failed to record my side of the audio. I’d welcome suggestions from someone more technically astute than I.
In any case, the bulk of my comments came from your suggestions. The producer at Press TV said he would send a link. In the past, they have been pretty slow to do this, but we’ll see.
Now, for the news:

Sweden’s Prime Minister has called an emergency meeting of ministers to consider the effects Britain’s Brexit vote will have on Sweden.
Britain has been Sweden’s strongest ally in the EU, and so the nation’s ongoing political and economic instability has been heightened.
Similar EU exit moves are now arising in over half a dozen EU nations, including Sweden, Greece, Denmark – and even France. But Sweden has been the hardest hit nation in terms of rape by migrants.
According to Prime Minister Stefan Lofven:
“We respect the decision. The election results are a wake-up call for Europe. But it is worrying.”
Head of the Sweden Democrat party, Jimmie Akesson said:

“The development in the UK is something I hope to see in Sweden.”
“British citizens have shown that EU memberships can be reassessed. The long term trend is now broken and hopefully it will show the way for other countries.“
Now known as the Swexit, Akesson’s comments were blasted as irresponsible by Prime Minister Lofven.
Sweden, like Britain, kept their sovereign national money when they joined the EU, and never adopted the Euro.
Sweden Democrats Parliament member Paula Bieler looks forward to a Swedish Swexit vote:
“Hopefully we will have a referendum as well … and find new ways … to collaborate throughout Europe rather than have this big state forming where we lose our powers over our own country and sovereignty."
Before the Brexit vote, 36% of Swedes said they would back a Swexit, however only 22% wanted to stay. The rest were undecided.
The Brexit contagion is running Europe wide now. A recent Ipsos-MORI poll found that nearly half of voters in 8 EU countries want to be able to vote on quitting the EU, and one-third have already made up their minds to exit if given the choice.
I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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