Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sins Of The World - June 2016 (Part 3) Strange End Times Signs HD

the face detection technology profiling. This is pure evil! Suppose you have exercised your freedom of speech and offended someone. They'll nab you like in minority report. Sounds very much like George Orwell meets terminator. I'm more observant towards killer robots, RFID chips, and transhumanism, where AI is at the helm monitoring everyone. And like computers and smart phones, AI synthetic humanoids and robots will be in everyone's homes in the next few decades. Yet also they'll ship us all into smart cities under Agenda 2030 by the U.N. they won't have to worry about human life loss, as they will use killer machines. I've seen it already with Boston dynamics, and armed drones. Facial recognition I.D. scanning everyone plugged into the net caught in the web. This is where it's going and will be what brings about the One World Order.

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