Monday, June 20, 2016

SATAN Gave FLAKKA To Alex Jones Funny Video

 What is Flakka? What about Meow Meow? Are they for real? Is anyone actually doing them? Will they actually kill you? Here's your guide to the new generation of moral-panic death drugs.These drugs all have a few things in common: wacky names, rock-bottom prices, and the ability to whip local news anchors (and audiences) into a complete frothing frenzy, regardless of whether anyone is actually doing them. But that doesn't matter: like plutonium, the mere possible existence of a Moral Panic Drug is enough to pose an existential threat to all of society's drug-horny teens and dirtbag adults. Sometimes flakka is called "gravel," which sounds cool but not as cool as flakka. A dose of flakka reportedly costs as little of $5, and will make you go completely fucking crazy with "super-human strength" and paranoia, according to Florida news outlets. A dollar collapse is when the value of the U.S. dollar plummets. Anyone who holds dollar-denominated assets will sell them at any cost. The biggest holders are foreign governments who own U.S. Treasuries. They also include traders in exchange rate futures who trade the dollar versus other currencies. Last but not least are individual investors. When the crash occurs, they will demand assets denominated in anything other than dollars. The collapse of the dollar means that everyone is trying to sell their dollar-denominated assets, and no one wants to buy them. They will drive the value of the dollar down to near zero. It makes hyperinflation look like a day in the park.Under What Scenario Will It Happen?Three conditions must be in place before the dollar could collapse. First, there must be an underlying weakness. That situation exists. The U.S. currency is fundamentally weak despite its 25% increase since 2014. The dollar declined 54.7% against the euro between 2002 and 2012.Why? The U.S. debt nearly tripled during that time period, from $5.9 trillion to $15 trillion. The debt is even worse now, at $19 trillion. The debt-to-GDP ratio is now more than 100%. That increases the chance the United States will let the dollar's value slide. That would allow it to repay its debt with cheaper money. China and others argue that a new currency should be created and used as the global currency. China's central banker goes one step further. He claims that the yuan should replace the dollar to maintain China's economic growth. However, replacing the dollar would be a massive undertaking, would require great global resolve, and not happen quickly. China is right to be alarmed at the dollar's drop in value. That's because it is the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasuries, and it just saw its investment deteriorate. For more, see Dollar to Yuan Conversion and History.
could Bitcoin replace the dollar as the new world currency? It has many benefits. It's not controlled by any one country's central bank. It is created, managed, and spent online. But it can also be used at brick-and-mortar stores that accept it. Its supply is finite. That appeals to those who would rather have a currency that's backed by something concrete, such as gold. There are big obstacles, however. First, it's value is highly volatile. That's because there is no central bank to manage it. Second, it has become the coin of choice for illegal activities that lurk in the deep web. That makes it vulnerable to tampering by unknown forces.

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