Friday, June 17, 2016

Sam Harris discusses Islam, Orlando and the reaction from Trump, Clinton and Obama

Sam Harris discusses Islam, Orlando and the reaction from Trump, Clinton and Obama

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  1. the problem is Donald Trump believes civilization started in the trump towers & The I-Phone, indeed there is a problem is not Islam is not Russia, neither china. Is more wall street, NATO, is the war that began when G W Bush believe that civilization started in Washington America in 1990, “the end of history” first Iraq war, this war is link to the 1967 war and Israeli war. When Trump says America must unite the civilize world, he does not understand that is America who needs some input on civilization. This AIPAC 1913 eventual civilization has come to a close. You do not understand it Trump does not understand it, and religions neither. The LGTB is simple, a sign an event a fact, what does this fact shows, a) dead people including the one that killed most, b) the principles of LGBT, gays I think are not so inclined to wars, and division, they represent a symbol of unity more like “make love not war”. C) Islam has nothing to do with it, besides wars, as all wars now are on Islamic land, religious wars, with Israel on the middle. Wars are contagious end the war in the middle east created by Washington, since 1967 have reverse themselves, they should have ended soon so Donald Trump can unite the world and civilized America.

  2. Basically the 1967 borders for Israel was a trap as everyone knew it will expand, however to retreat later and then preserve it as a spiritual Israel, this maneuver was imperative, as some say human nature; reason why the advance and the retreat are link to each other’s. Ethically a retreat from the current borders to the 1967 borders gives Israel an advantage on a civilized world, as it magnifies its presence as a noble Israel rather than the encompass of its territory. .
