Saturday, June 4, 2016

Le Pen Leads in French Presidential Polls -- Still Report

A shocking new French poll shows euroskeptic Marine Le Pen taking a sudden lead in the polling for next year’s presidential race.
Le Pen polled 28% and the current socialist president Francoise Hollande a paltry 14%. Former president Nicolas Sarkozy polled 21% in the giant poll which surveyed a whopping 19.455 people.
France will elect its new president in two rounds; the first in April of 2017, then the top two vote getters will face off in May.
Le Pen favors France leaving both the EU and its Euro currency and return France to the French Franc.
Le Pen, who has been compared to Donald Trump and Nigel Farage of the UK, has vowed to visit the UK to campaign for the Brexit vote on June 23.
In an incredible turn of events, much of Europe is turning against the European Union. Last month Austrian anti-immigration candidate Norbert Hofer narrowly lost his presidential bid by less than a 1% margin.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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