Monday, June 20, 2016

Hillary: DESTROY Syria for Israel (WikiLeaks)

Hillary created ISIS. Say thank you world.

welcome to the real world where you find out America makes it's own enemies and funds terrorism, using Islamic extremists.

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  1. the Jewish problem that never goes away

  2. the reality is that America is closer to 1939 than Europe, today America is on the same exact position than 1933 Germany, and Hillary rather than help Israel is creating the opposite, the Jewish dominant community & AIPAC is quite small but they own banks, Hollywood and main media, exactly the same as 1933 before Hitler. But the American nationals are very unhappy, they see the nation rule by Jews for the benefit of Jews. Mostly Jews benefit they the people the many the citizens do not benefit as the Jewish community does in America and elsewhere, to get anywhere you got to be a Jew nowadays in America. In Germany before Hitler took over the reality was identical, same situation in Britain and France worldwide, this situation will invert itself against the AIPAC Jewish community. even if the AIPAC Jewish community has created the Islamic terrorist diversion however it is currently backfiring in Europe, and America, Brexit, populism, racism and crazy killings in America etc. There is a confusion that will lead to a new holocaust, as the majority of Americans and Europeans are not Jewish, just those in power are, in the media finances, politics and commerce, same as 1933 Hitler Germany the people has already begun to revolt and the masses will not retreat from this position. for the Jews, as somehow they grown into the same position before Hitler 1939, engendering the same destiny over and over again. from 1265 longshanks to 1939 Hitler these events display the same show the same films the same wars and the same end result, the American Hitler has not shown itself but the elements are there NY Cuomo is an example as is the AIPAC domination of Americans and submission to Israel and Jewish lobby ideologies wars and political candidates, irony of history to create the new HITLER in America is a wonder. Donald trump is an exposé of this process that is engendering the coming holocaust for the Jews provoked by themselves.
