Thursday, June 23, 2016

Fake #Brexit Poll Discovered -- The Bill Still Report

In the last 24 hours, the UK has suddenly been flooded by new polls that purport to show a stunning reversal in public sentiment over today’s Brexit vote. It seems that the Remain crowd is pulling out all the stops to sway public opinion with polls that are pro-Remain. Some believe these are fake polls or polls for hire – a phenomenon we first saw in support of the anti-Trump crowd during the US Republican Presidential Primary campaign. In the UK, with trillions of dollars, and tons of perpetual political control riding on today’s Brexit vote, it is no surprise to see these fake polls surfacing from the Tory-pro-Remain crowd. However, one major American bank has blown the whistle. JP Morgan – in a stunning revelation 8 days ago – announced that when they removed a Brexit “hoax” poll, the lead for the Leave crowd increased. Reuters – the world’s biggest news agency – reported the mysterious JP Morgan comment in the shortest story I’ve ever seen – exactly 52 words. “JP Morgan said on Wednesday that the lead across a range of opinion polls for campaigners seeking to get Britain out of the European Union has widened after the bank removed a hoax poll from its analysis. "Leave" now has a 1.4 percentage-point lead over "Remain", analysts said in a research note.” The Financial Express later that day identified the “hoax” poll as one falsely attributed to BMG Research, one of the largest research firms headquartered in the UK. The Digital Look, a UK-based financial group, provided more detail on the mysterious poll by claiming that it was actually a fake press release posted by the pro-Remain group, Britain Elects. BMG Research denied any roll in the fake poll, posting on their Twitter account this denial: [insert] “Appears there has been a hoax. We have not released our latest polling. BMG press release list will receive details of our next polls 2nite.” Adding to the polling suspicions are the size of the deltas in today’s polls. The Daily Mail reported that the Times – the nation’s most respected newspaper, gave Leave a 2-point lead just two days ago, but today their own poll gave Remain a 6-point lead. Two days ago, The Daily Mail included the following pronouncement: “Billionaire George Soros warned a Brexit vote on Thursday could produce a 'Black Friday' as markets react in horror to instability caused by the result.” Last week’s YouGov survey showed a staggering 7-point lead for the Leave camp. Today’s poll, after applying their analysis of undecided voters showed Remain has captured the lead at 51/49 an 8-point delta. One week ago, the Telegraph’s Brexit Tracker showed Leave with a solid lead of 52-48. This week’s Tracker shows Remain with a 51/49 point lead, [insert ORB/Telegraph] and their poll done with ORB shows Remain with a flashy 7-point lead. The Mirror’s latest ComRes phone survey of 1,032 people shows Remain with a large 6-point lead 48-42. A week ago, Leave had a 4 point lead, 47-43. Could this be biased? Well, here is a picture of the Mirror’s cover today: [insert Mirror2 pit] Financial markets in London, Paris and Frankfurt are acting as though they are a coordinated cheer-leading team for the Remain forces. All three markets spiked up effusively around 2%, peaking at 10:20 GMT, just in time for a splashy morning headline, but subsequently, all 3 have steadily declined – in a no-news-here event. So, in 15-20 hours from now, we will know whether the forces of undemocratic darkness have turned back Britain’s latest populist revolt. I’m Still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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