Monday, June 27, 2016



In contrast, the front page of the Scottish edition of the pro-Brexit Daily Express read, Here We Go Again, and reported that Scotland “faced fresh constitutional chaos” after Sturgeon unveiled plans to pursue a second independence referendum within hours of the EU vote results. Nicola Sturgeon Says Scottish Government To Hold ‘Immediate’ Talks With EU

Scotland’s first minister said this afternoon she will establish an advisory panel with experts to advise her on legal, financial and diplomatic matters as she seeks to continue Scotland’s membership.

The age of globalisation began on the day the Berlin Wall came down. From that moment in 1989, the trends evident in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s accelerated: the free movement of capital, people and goods; trickle-down economics; a much diminished role for nation states; and a belief that market forces, now unleashed, were unstoppable. France and Germany urge swift action by Britain as Tory MPs say Boris Johnson is preparing leadership bid

Adding to the sense of instability in Westminster and Brussels, the credit rating agency Moody’s cut the UK’s rating to “negative” and warned of a “prolonged period of uncertainty”. But after an emergency meeting of ministers from the bloc’s six founder members, Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said negotiations should begin “as soon as possible” and that Britain had a responsibility to work with the EU on exit terms. UK food prices set to rise after Brexit vote

Prime Minister David Cameron is to step down by October after the UK voted to leave the European Union.

Speaking outside 10 Downing Street, he said he would attempt to "steady the ship" over the coming weeks and months but that "fresh leadership" was needed.

The PM had urged the country to vote Remain but was defeated by 52% to 48% despite London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backing staying in.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK's "independence day".

The pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 as the markets reacted to the results. "The British people have voted to leave the European Union and their will must be respected," said Mr Cameron. "The will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered." project fear The Leave campaign argued during a bitter four-month referendum campaign that the only way Britain could "take back control" of its own affairs would be to leave the EU. "Jim Rogers" BREXIT "Stock Market" Pound GBP Forex UK Euro Europe "European Union" market trading Gold Silver Global Economy "Gold Coin" Future Humanity Vote Recession World Debt "Forex Trading"
The PM says he fought "head, heart and soul" but that Britain now needs a new leader to oversee negotiations to leave the EU. Cameron Resigns After UK Votes To Leave EU The British people have voted to leave the European Union after a historic referendum in which they rejected the advice of the main Westminster party leaders and instead took a plunge into the political unknown.

Results from across the country suggesting the Brexit camp were on the brink of declaring a referendum victory saw sterling down 10% against the dollar The value of sterling slumped to a 31-year low on currency markets and was on course for its biggest one-day loss in history as panicking investors contemplated the prospect of a vote to leave the European Union.
Live Bank of England promises £250bn to calm markets after Brexit vote - live updates
Governor Mark Carney says the BoE has ‘extensive contingency plans’ to handle Britain’s decision to leave the EU, as shares slide across the globe
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Results from across the country suggesting the Brexit camp was on the brink of declaring a referendum victory led to sterling reversing initial gains to leave the pound down more than 10% at $1.33, compared with $1.50 just after polling stations closed. That was the lowest since 1985. The pound was down more than 7% against the euro. The FTSE's slump was its biggest one-day fall since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in October 2008.

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    “Please, please, please, do not listen to the distorted views of the mainstream media. Yes, immigration is a major problem. But not THE REASON why the we voted to leave the EU. We as a people have demanded our country back from the unelected elites which have become our masters. An unelected EU government with no opposition, with the power to make our laws and determine how we live our lives. Immigration is a secondary topic, the economy is secondary, if we are worse off we will live with our decision. If we suffer, so be it. Our freedom and the freedom of our children is much more important. People have died in the millions to fight for this basic right. We have given a shining example of democracy to the world. We have put our country and our future above our individual interests. The British lion has awakened from a long sleep. Today I have never been more proud of the silent, decent Briton who stood up to be counted.”

  2. They have messed us about for decades and they keep nagging and warning us. So to hell with them as we will leave when we are good and ready. If they keep pontificating perhaps we should stop buying German cars and give them something to think about. Their total arrogance and bossiness so fuck them!!! They have still got the same arrogant attitude as Hitler.

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