Thursday, June 23, 2016

#EU vs. #Brexit - Why Remaining Will Continue To Spell Disaster For #Europe

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the EU vs. Brexit and how leaving the European Union will make those living within the EU more sovereign while the EU has decimated business and the economy not to mention civil liberties. As the EU proponents are using the murder of British MP Jo Cox to pull people's heartstrings, people like Jacob de Rothschild and George Soros are trying to convince people to vote remain. It surely is an excellent example of how capitalism isn't the problem as capitalism must be free of government coercion and control, manipulation and monopolization to truly be capitalism. As big corporations promote staying in the EU, it shows how much these giant monopolies depend on the hand of government. A truly free market would never allow the kind of monopolies that serve businesses like Walmart and McDonald's. People too often mix up capitalism with corporatism or corporate fascism. The fact that so many of these massive corporations are begging the people to vote remain proves this point quite well. The globalist banksters are big proponents of the EU and of course the EU is simply a step towards the new world order we hear these elitist scumbags talking about so often. Of course in North America with NAFTA and the push for a North American Union, even talks about an AMERO, this is a global push and anything we can do to lessen the push towards this globally coercive system means more prosperity for us as individuals. Let's understand the problems and make the fixed. First we must inform and once we inform we build a web and that web will continue to grow as the information is passed on and eventually we will be far too powerful to coerce into servitude. Unfortunately, where it stands today, the public isn't aware enough and for that reason, the banksters and globalists will likely win this battle and the EU will continue to use people as pawns for the sake of the king and queen. We will continue to report on this as it further unfolds.

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