Thursday, June 23, 2016

Coast To Coast AM - June 22, 2016 Remote Viewing Discoveries & Money Talk

Coast To Coast AM - June 22, 2016 Remote Viewing Discoveries & Money Talk Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts spoke with George about good financial planning and the world economy. Commenting on the current state of affairs with the UK possibly leaving the European Union, she thinks that it might cause other countries to leave, which could destabilize some markets, and affect the U.S., because of the financial connections between many European companies and their counterparts in America. She believes that Germany and Britain are the best able to stand on their own outside of the Union. The moves would be beneficial to some (such as currency speculators) and not so much for others -------------------------- Part two guest Robert Morningstar checked in to discuss his experiences in remote viewing (RV), lucid dreaming and out-of-body travel. Morningstar teaches classes in all three disciplines at the Edgar Cayce institute in New York City. He believes that remote viewing is "a survival function of the human race" and that "science has denied and shut it down." One of the books used in his teaching is Penetration by the "father of remote viewing" - the late Ingo Swann. Swann famously RVed some sort of alien structures on the far side of the Moon, and Morningstar tasked a few of his advanced RV students to look there as well. They also said that they detected evidence of an operation there by non-human entities, which is ongoing. Coast To Coast AM - June 22, 2016 Remote Viewing Discoveries & Money Talk

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