Thursday, June 16, 2016

#BREXIT COULD COLLAPSE THE WORLD - Elites Fear Brexit Would Reverse Their Globalist Agenda

The UK would be “better off without” the European Union, US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said. As the EU referendum looms, a great counsel of war is gathering. Henri de Castries, the Chairman of the influential Bilderberg Group, has made his way to the highest hill above Dresden, placed a mighty conch shell to his aristocratic French lips and blown. European Council President Donald Tusk has warned just days before an EU summit that the 28-nation bloc could break up under strain from mass migration and a deal to keep Britain in the union. Speaking in Bucharest, Tusk warned Monday: “This is a critical moment. It is high time we started listening to each other’s arguments more than to our own.” He said it was “natural that positions harden closer to crunch time,” three days before the EU summit, which will have “the two biggest challenges to the future of the European Union on the agenda, Britain’s membership of the EU and migration crisis.” The Bank of England has warned that uncertainty about the EU referendum is the "largest immediate risk" facing global financial markets. The Bank said there were "risks of adverse spill-overs to the global economy" from the 23 June vote. It was "increasingly likely" that sterling would fall further - perhaps sharply - in the event of a leave vote, the Bank added. Vote Leave's Andrea Leadsom said the comments risked financial stability. BREXIT In Out EU UK "European Union" Europe Leave "United Kingdom" industry euro gbp forex trade trading "Forex Trading" 2016 2017 future vote election london "vote leave" england british remain "Great Britain" lawyer choose elite millionaire news media entertainment boat work investment global world power control law "vote remain" campaign deal collapse economy gold silver "elite nwo agenda" Sterling fell throughout the afternoon, down around 1.3% against the dollar to $1.4016, and slipped 0.18% against the euro following the release of May's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) minutes. Following the appalling on Jo Cox MP & the suspension of campaigning I will not be speaking on the EU/UK referendum this evening. Released on May 12, the new film Brexit: The Movie makes the case for the “Leave” campaign in significant detail. At an hour and 11 minutes, the film sticks to the economic debate behind the Brexit campaign. This is wise since, as the vote approaches, the “Remain” campaign is likely to become increasingly hysterical with claims that leaving the UN will spell an economic apocalypse for Britain. Moreover, recent polling data has shown that support for Brexit is waning, and that the primary cause of waning support is likely caused by the fact that many have believed the anti-Brexit claims that the economic viability of the UK depends on continued membership inside the EU. Boomtown Rat! Bob Geldof slammed for making rude gestures at Nigel Farage in bizarre EU referendum clash that saw the in and out fleets chase each other along the river for several hours

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