Monday, June 6, 2016

All Governments are Always Lying All The Time -- Alan Watt

Alan Watt (June 5, 2016) No Harm in Trying to Stop Officials from Lying

Governments Never Tell Truth - Nuclear Accidents - Spin and Damage Control - Canadian Spy Agency Accidentally Shared Data of Citizens - Five Eyes - Britain Phasing Out Coal - Thousands Die Yearly; Can't Afford Heat - Eliminate Competition, Control Everything - G7 Meeting in Japan - Canadians Protest Sale of Hydro One - Enough is Enough - Elderly Lose Homes - Fukushima - Chernobyl - Power and Fuel Monopolies - Indoctrination Updated Through Fiction - Choice is Taken Away - Stay in Your Authorized Area. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 5, 2016 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

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