Wednesday, June 1, 2016

After Puerto Rico , Virgin Island Collapses under Debt

Virgin Islands debt bomb, emerging markets to the wall

Brazil’s economy tumbles further into recession, with GDP contracting for the fifth straight quarter. Meanwhile, the OECD has blasted governments for over-relying on monetary policy and slipping into a ‘low-growth trap’. Ameera David has details. Then Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei details how information coming from the Dallas Fed suggests that some employers believe Millennials are addicted to technology, reducing productivity. Afterwards, RT correspondent Marina Portnaya explains how the US Virgin Islands’ fiscal situation is drawing scrutiny in the wake of US government movement on the Puerto Rico debt issue. After the break, Ameera is joined by Vito Echeverria, a reporter at CubaStandard, to discuss Cuba. And in the Big Deal, Edward Harrison and Ameera discuss global currencies, particularly India and China.

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