Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Why Donald Trump Is Going to be Our Next President

 Are you surprised by Donald Trump's meteoric rise? Me too. In this video I try to explain why I think The Donald is doing so well, and why he will continue to do well. In fact, I go so far as to suggest that he'll be our next president. Why? Because I think he's a brilliant salesman and a master persuader. If you don't believe me, watch the video.

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1 comment:

  1. how to destroy europe ask trump, and israel they begun their war in 1947 it still going on today the trump crowd folks there is a war coming and you idiots will fight it for democracy and freedom . "the joke", you lot are slaves and will always be. I shall watch your idiots die in the white house TV just like bush and clinton OBAMA. boy. so f-- you american dumb idiots die as you are born..!! remember ww3 is coming folks so get ready to die ha ha , signed trump you master.
