Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Disease known as "Leftism" Exposed

An in-depth presentation on the regressive Far-Left (Communists, Marxists, Social Justice Warriors), the events of the Spanish Civil war, and how the neo-Marxist narrative has created the Alt-Right. Topics include: Libertarian Social Rants (Cammehyabams), Social Justice Warriors, Feminism, Patriarchy, Class Struggle, Racism, White Supremacy, Critical Theory, Leftism, Black Bloc protests, Antifa, YouTube Community, Libertarian Socialism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Capitalism, Left-Anarchists, Right-Anarchists, Karl Marx, Revolutionary Catalonia, Nationalists, Worker Unions, Spanish Civil War, CNT, FAI, far-left, alt-right, Mikhail Bakunin, Red Terror of Spain, Francisco Franco, White Terror of Spain, Spanish History, Carlists, Falange, Socialist Economics, Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Southern, Augustus Invictus, R/K selection theory, Augusto Pinochet, and Helicopter Rides.

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