Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Decline of Faith and Western Civilization

Question: “What role would you see faith and religion playing in our current global and western civilization setting? As a pastor of a liberal protestant denomination I am not hopeful that we can contribute much. At least those of us in the mainline protestant denominations. Generally, like the body politic and academia, I fear we are too far gone. If you want to see out of control feminism and multiculturalism run amok, attend one of our seminaries, that is, before the last one closes its doors.”

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. How a Speech Helped Hitler Take Power
    before the war ww2 hitler & russia. today putin is not against trump. trump is no hitler neither hitler was hitler when he was a soldier. he became hitler after he became president. meaning the coincidences, the times and realities, that's all . some called time & space others history lessons. How a Speech Helped Hitler Take Power. Sheldon Adelson to contribute 100 million to Trump’s campaign

  2. balfour declaration 1917 israel NATO HITLER: one of the main problems in america's is jewish billionaires, they started ww1 ww2 and the 1913 holocaust called the FED. your idol TRUMP is now in jewish billionaires hands same as HITLER. you know the rest it even matches WW2 as trump is ok for putin as hitler was OK for stalin before the war, same plot same actors and same victims. so get those billionaires out of any influence how:::: a law that restricts the amount of wealth any of this vermins can have as personal property. restrained capitalism if you like. for jewish insane billionaires. and should be global. NATO IS HITLER'S ARMY hillary confirms the strategy russia hitler is american version 2016 and israel is a partner of the new hitler that attacks innocent people . same as 1933 no difference just modern version 2016 that's all but same plot same people same jewish billionaires involved.
