Sunday, May 1, 2016

Messaging Apps: The Future of News - Listening Post (Feature)

More people are now using mobile messaging apps like Telegram, Whatsapp, WeChat and Kakao Talk than social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Weibo. News outlets have cottoned on to the trend and are messaging headlines directly to your phone. But there's more to look out for: rumours, propaganda and even some political discussions that you cannot have as easily on the web. As amateur and rumour-mill applications work alongside 'official' news products and add-ons, concerns now manifest within the possibility for conversations, sharing and news creation that were never possible online due to the power of censorship. As stifled voices in places like China and Iran finally find an outlet for their views, we look at how this surge in messaging the news can affect government choices. The Listening Post's Will Yong reports on three mobile messaging apps and what messaging means for the news business.

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