Monday, May 16, 2016

Market Crash, Martial Law, Trump Assassination, What Will Happen Election 2016?

02:40 World Market Crash Imminent with Chain Reaction to Ripple through Western Nations
05:00 Lindsey Williams Predicted the Stock Rally & Crash with Europe to Crash First
06:30 Is Awakening making it Harder for Elite to Manipulate Metals & Economy?
09:10 Is Trump Anti-NWO and will win this Election?
12:30 Would they Assassinate Donald Trump? False Flag Risk for 2016 Election, Trump vs Hillary
13:50 Hillary will be Against Trump in November
16:45 Chaos will Induce, Politicians will be Killed By Citizens
18:00 What if they Crash Economy with Trump and Blame him?
23:00 Get Gold & Silver to Protect Yourself from Hyperinflation, Death of US Dollar
33:00 Gold & Silver are More than a Preservation of Wealth
36:30 Announcement: Web Bot Interview Saturday May 14 on jsnip4 Channel

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