Tuesday, May 10, 2016

London’s New Muslim Mayor Slams Trump -- Bill Still

The new Muslim Mayor of London has wasted no time in office to slam Donald Trump. Newly-elected Mayor Sadiq Khan said on Saturday: "If Donald Trump becomes the president I'll be stopped from going there by virtue of my faith, which means I can't engage with American mayors and swap ideas," Kahn told Time magazine. "I'm confident that Donald Trump's approach to politics won't win in America." Well, Mr. Mayor, perhaps you should stop getting your international news feed from Facebook, because that’s not what Mr. Trump has said. What Trump has made very clear in several subsequent statements is to halt immigration of undocumented Muslims. In other words, if you can’t prove who you are, don’t even bother trying to come here. Let’s hope that London has more stringent identification requirements than have been applied to our current president or our junior U.S. senator from Alberta, Canada. Mayor Kahn, in a typical newbie’s comment, charged Trump was turning communities against each other and that this is not: “… conducive to living successfully and amicably.” Ahhh, you probably mean amicably as long as Sharia law is allowed anywhere, anytime in London? Eh? He also described himself as the “antidote” to hatred, and said that he brings unique experience to the table when dealing with Muslim extremists. Yes, Mayor Kahn, I’ll just bet you do. But here’s the thing; I wonder if your unique experience will decrease the rate at which Muslims attain political hegemony over England, or not? That is the Shakespearian question of the day. Kahn also blasted the Brexit community saying that the UK leaving the EU would be: “… catastrophic for our city.” Hmmmm, that may also depend on one’s political perspective, eh? The UK votes on Brexit on Thursday, June 23rd. I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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