Wednesday, May 11, 2016

London Elects Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan

 Stefan Molyneux comments on the news that London has elected its first ever Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan.

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  1. looks you do not understand britain, color of the skin is america you are correct, "in britain no" british people sense the problem; americans do not, uk folks understand how to fix the issue, however it is the means that they do not have. remember ends and means.

  2. School in Britain could be complex as public & private. there is a reason why some were public and others private, as well private school had some qualities public another. private was inclined to taste, private to production, the comportment indeed took a different path. today is likely; the meeting of the minds. Time & space is what makes minds meet or miss. On the sensitivity the private school had the means and understood the ends the public school the force. A tree near an airport often has drops of sulfur and other fungus from the many airplanes that fly above and drop the noxious residues that gently fall, as it comes from above, sometimes the forest inflames itself and tornados appear storms follow and hurricanes display splendid views, the trees cleanse themselves after the tempest and rejoice each other’s, they shrugged the toxic waste.

  3. Race does not exist skin color is different. is a color. a vibration. what vibrates is what a color is. is what the eye is able to perceive, tigers sense vibrations not color. Race the? You, a tiger a bird a monkey, cannot touch or sense any color vibrations without a mind, same as sound and light. a plant is of a different race than a monkey for instance. all monkeys are of the same race, all human monkeys, dogs, they just have different forms. race is a group a cognitive-context of a form a geometrical vibrational limited form. for humans as race is living form, for instance. for plants is speed the plant develops, moves in a different synchronicity of time not seasons mostly space, they walk attached to their roots. they are fixed by the roots. for a rock is a question of time. Color is no different than a light wave, a sound waves, they are similar, sound can and does mix with light with temperature. When a building fall there is sound. A volcanic eruption as well temperature is also sound as color vibration is sound and light. What makes one different is himself. Jesus for instance he became different himself. Other example Cesar on a lesser degree. Today is probably the same. However, ends and means play a more important role.
