Monday, May 2, 2016

Ken O'Keefe Breaks Down The 28 Redacted Pages, Political Environment and Extortion 17

Ken O'Keefe Breaks Down The 28 Redacted Pages of The Congressional Report (*) and Political Environment and Extortion 17 Filmed & Edited By John Massaria for UniBrowStudio Vision * (S. REPT. NO. 107- 351 107TH CONGRESS, 2D SESSION H. REPT. NO. 107-792 JOINT INQUIRY INTO INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES BEFORE AND AFTER THE TERRORIST ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 FOR CONGRESS)

Israeli Mossad is also a manifestation of British MI-6. So is OUR CIA. And Pakistani ISI. If there is ONE CORE RESPONSIBLE? It would be those who control these internal Assassination Agencies. It is NOT ENGLAND. It is the NETHERLANDS, STILL exercising their 1601 Monopoly on World Trade. The sooner you RE-READ the first three Dune novels, written in 1965 by Frank Herbert? Then, you will understand that Herbert stole a common Bed-Time Story, told too ALL MUSLIMS. And, it centers on GIRL-POWER. SAUDI WOMEN HAVE THE MOTIVE, the MONEY, and the STATUS. If Bandar's WIFE tells some Kid," The KING told me to tell you to do this, or IO have to tell this guy here, well, to chop your head off". Maybe they THOUGHT the Saudi KING wanted this. No, when women want HELP, they MAN-ipulate. And, they have pumped out 30-million Pissed off Suicidal Men of Killing the King Age. IF this WOMAN knew how MEN operate, she would have maybe thought twice. Because the Men just took it as an OPPORTUNITY. They BURIED THE WOMAN'S PART, and so.....We get San Bernadino, to REALLY HAVE TO SPELL IT OUT WITH CRAYONS, BECAUSE AMERICANS ARE SO STUPID. IF we had responded in our " TYPICAL" Way, we would have followed her HUGE trail of Bread-Crumbs, and then ATTACKED SAUDI ARABIA, ERASED OUR NATIONAL DEBT, and told ENGLAND TO DE-FUND THE MI-6, or GET KILLED FAST. AND, International Law would NEED TO BAN KINGDOMS, PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION. Nobody on this PLANET gets to CHOOSE where they are born, or what COLOR, what NATIONALITY. And we will KILL HUMANS BASED ON THESE NON-DECISIONS. If fact, prior experience shows any 17-year old can be trained to kill someone they do not know, in SIX WEEKS. Our Military calls it, " Basic Training". I call it evidence that the definition of a Mass-Murder is Constant. If you kill a lot of people at one time, you are a Mass-Murderer. War does NOT CHANGE THIS. Not the " War" America engages in. Murdering children as young as EIGHT? This is still a VERY SICK THING. What about using Children as Warriors? Does it affect the Children, to take Lives? GHW Bush used a FALSE Birth Certificate, to be a NAVY PILOT. At age 15-3/4ths. By his 17th Birthday, he had KILLED MANY MEN, men who actually had BALLS. We had a War-Monger within our inner workings, from he still breathing? If EVERY SINGLE OBJECTIVE of the Third Reich was reached, does it matter if Hitler is DEAD? The finding of burned bodies does not a War be Won. WAR IS WON IN ONLY ONE WAY. You kill the Breeding Age Men, and Rape the Women, the Women will not kill their own Children, THESE CHILDREN ARE THE WINNERS OF WAR. So, when ISIL says they will ATTACK ROME? You better think about where Rome is. It's in the Netherland's, Mostly. So, it';s ALL ABOUT THE DUTCH.

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