Monday, May 2, 2016

Joel Skousen - The Globalists And Why The World /W *III Will Start 6 June 2016 ?

 Joel Skousen - The Globalists And Why The World /W *III Will Start 6 June 2016 ?
After World W-III3 the population of the world shall be limited to 4800 million. Primarily, India and China would not be aggressively involved in WorldW-ar three. With a combined population of about 2000 million... it shall mean that apart from India and China... the whole world would be badly affected by W-W*3 and All the prophecies tell us that the World W*3 will be in 6 June 2016
World,World Wa 3,Wa.r,World W.3,World W III,Obama,off,WW3,WWIII,Hillary Clinton,CIA,end time,Bible Prophecy,Cold W ar,China,russia,BBC,Obamacare,truth,medi
­a,NWO,Top10,Top5,Facts,ww2,event,Korea,g­overnment,theory,offical,World w 2016,putin,Trump,petrodolar,russian,new world order,USA,US,democracy,i-ran,Prophecy,An­tichrist,Illuminati,Doomsday,Alex Jones,dollar collapse 2016,dollar collapse and ww3,World Bank,Central Bank,dollar,Crisis,Euro,economy,politics­,IMF,gold

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  1. you see america the people cannot defeat the zionism of AIPAC, however that does not means that is not possible it is but not the conventional way. think why do you think AIPAC zionism invented multinational so they can control banks and main media hollywood, your friend Skousen is totally brainwashed as 350 americans. the world is upside down so reason why Joel is brainwash as many others, being on a brainwashed realm is simple when the reality is upside down. the key to freedom is on the media.

  2. the problem of putin is one million russians in israel, that tie his hands to defend the world, joel is a somewhat robot manipulated by front pages however he is not the only one. the brainwash is not from the past 20 years it begun the day you and he joel was born, by school media hollywood and newspapers, his family which were victims of the 1927 brainwash. joel does not even understand what sociality is way way off, but you can follow and find out the result, you got yes we can as an example and C W BUSH "are you against us or with us" however liberating america is not impossible. just complicated.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. watch the movie network "I'm as mad as hell: example of brainwashing on a upside down world, he tell you the truth however since you exist on a upside down world the response to this stimuli is pasive and compliance even if you respond emotionally to the picture your mind inverts those emotions: and the reasoning fades into compliance . there are other examples ! JOEL he is totally off, not his fault, is just brainwashing from his youth same as 80% of americans. the fact is you exist on a upside down world and it is the muslims the ones that can save you but on a upside down world you perceive the inverse. you treat them as enemies, and your real enemies as friends: and the result is the one that does oppress you will oppress you even more and you end up blind on a sea of ?
