Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton Exposed: The Truth About Hillary | Biography Documentary 2016

The real Hillary is a ruthless monster. Those men in Benghazi were tortured to death and she refused to help them. She might have even orchestrated their killing. She is playing a gender card the same way Obama played a race card and too many Americans are brainwashed enough to buy it all the way to the polls. My own state (Kentucky) chose her in the primary elections yesterday over Sanders. This after she has openly advocated ending coal mining; basically finishing the job Obama started. The coal producing areas did not support her but Lexington and Louisville did (no surprise in Lexington, a city with a two-term homosexual mayor that also won the nomination for US Senate.) I wonder how Lexington and Louisville will feel when they are no longer able to mooch the coal severance tax money like they have time and again over the years? How much has been funded in those cities at the expense of a coal miner's labor? You'll get exactly what you vote for. I sincerely believe that this election will be the make or break point for the USA. I don't know if Trump can save us but I support him 100%. Hillary literally makes me sick. Sanders is a small time communist bitch and his appeal won't get too far past the college campuses. It'll be down to Trump and Clinton and it will be the match of the century.

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