Friday, May 13, 2016

Enlightenment & the Brain, Akashic Records

Coast To Coast AM - May 9, 2016 Enlightenment & the Brain, Akashic Records

In the first half, Andrew Newberg, MD, a pioneer in the field of neuroscience, and business and personal-development "NeuroCoach" Mark Robert Waldman discussed their groundbreaking work examining the pinnacle of the human experience: enlightenment. Enlightenment is the life transforming experience that includes profound feelings of oneness, clarity, and surrender. Through brain scan studies on Brazilian psychic mediums, Sufi mystics, Buddhist meditators, and others, Dr. Newberg discovered specific neurological mechanisms associated with the enlightenment experiences which are available to everybody. One finding Newberg reported is that the parietal lobe (which relates to one's sense of individuality) tends to quiet down as a person begins to experience oneness, and lose their sense of self during meditation. Regular meditation practices can affect permanent changes in people's brains in just 8 weeks time, Newberg added, in areas that support memory and attention functions, and the thalamus, which is connected to sensory inputs and communication. Waldman shared exercises that people can try out, such as deep breathing, making multiple yawns which can immediately calm a person's mind, and the use of a "mindfulness" bell as a concentration focus and stress reducer. Making the "om" sound, especially within a group, is another way to alter and calm consciousness, he said. Many times if you have a specific problem, and then enter a meditative state, you can ask your intuition or 'inner wisdom voice' for a solution, Waldman shared.

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