Saturday, May 14, 2016

End Time Signs the Coming Apocalypse Near ? 2016

The only book that Christ recommended when asked about the end-time was the book of Daniel and the first six chapters each have life and death issues, some of which we may expect to face.

Christ could not have recommended the book of Revelation for end-times because it was not written till after He ascended, but the opening verses pronounce a blessing on those who read and understand it. Bible covenants were linked to sevens, so that Revelation with its 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 thunders is a picture of how God will keep His covenant with us.

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1 comment:

  1. balfour declaration 1917 israel NATO HITLER: one of the main problems in america's is jewish billionaires, they started ww1 ww2 and the 1913 holocaust called the FED. your idol TRUMP is now in jewish billionaires hands same as HITLER. you know the rest it even matches WW2 as trump is ok for putin as hitler was OK for stalin before the war, same plot same actors and same victims. so get those billionaires out of any influence how:::: a law that restricts the amount of wealth any of this vermins can have as personal property. restrained capitalism if you like. for jewish insane billionaires. and should be global. NATO IS HITLER'S ARMY hillary confirms the strategy russia hitler is american version 2016 and israel is a partner of the new hitler that attacks innocent people . same as 1933 no difference just modern version 2016 that's all but same plot same people same jewish billionaires involved.
