Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Brother Nathanael : Why The Antichrist Will Come on 30 August 2016 ?

Brother Nathanael : Why The Antichrist Will Come on 30 August 2016 ? The Antichrist Is A Sign of the Last Days . It seems clear that the activity of the Antichrist belongs to a period in the Bible described as the last days.There are many prophecies that tell us that the coming of the Antichrist will be in 2016 . The Anti-Christ,The AntiChrist,The Coming Of The Anti-Christ,Anti-Christ coming,end world,the end of the world,end time,End Times,end of days,prophecy,dollar collapse,economy,politics,obama,america,­us,world,war,media,IMF,new world order,China,Russia,trump,Jesus Christ,The Bible,Illuminati,God,Truth,Prophecy,Evol­ution,Demons,Antichrist,False Prophe,Satan,obama,Putin,pope francis,Vatican,israel,Political News,Bible Prophecy,bbc,Fox News,elections 2016,Messiah

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1 comment:

  1. One more example of how Europe is ruled by AIPAC Jewish Elites, and their aim is to destroy the occident: as the inverted reality by the main media Hollywood that they own, le pen is in fact a Zionist Jewish political party as the rest of all European political parties, few exceptions are rare. The plot of Michel Houseleek’s novel is built on the not wholly implausible idea that in 2022 Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, wins the first round of a presidential election. The fact is an inverted reality for the common citizen as the aim is to support hate against Muslims divide Europe and destroy it, today you have a continuity of the event with refugee’s crimes, Christians Jews and Muslims ready to slaughters each other’s BHL rhetoric and documentaries the idea of human rights “which is inverted is rather license to kill” all this is created by AIPAC Jewish elite, same as 1943 were poor Jews were victims of this Jewish elite persistence of destruction: in fact common Jews have always being victims of their own elites as the worlds is inverted is practically impossible to free yourself from this network, even the pope is a victim of this scoundrels.
    you see Hollywood main media has inverted your minds reason why Obama socialized the banks and privatized the debt so you with low wages and banks are bailed out and go home free, dictators are saviors and saviors are dictators, but as you are inverted you believe the dictator and think he is the savior and the inverse. that is the network created by Aipac and why America cannot have a real president neither they own your concepts mind. Jesus is an example he was the savior crucified by those he hoped to save. Reason he became a martyr, look at the money changers by Jesus. Same as che Guevara and the root of the inverted terrorism created by AIPAC
