Sunday, May 22, 2016

Brexit or 12 Million Turks Will Flood UK

 According to a devastating new poll done for Britain’s Sunday Express newspaper, more than 12 million Turkish citizens would move to Britain if the country joins the European Union.
The poll was done by the leading pollster in Turkey, KONDA. They conducted on impressive 2,685 face-to-face interviews with Turks aged 18 and over between May 7 and 8.
Each person was asked:
“If Turkey becomes a full member of the EU, and Britain remains in the EU, would you, or any member of your family, consider relocating to Britain?”
In the general population, 15.8% answered “Yes”, but among the unemployed, 36% said they wanted to move to Britain. That’s the equivalent of 12.6 million new immigrants unless the Brits vote to exit the European Union a month from now.
Turkey’s unemployment rate hit 10.9% recently, more than double Britain’s 5.4%.
British Foreign Office Minister James Duddridge responded with alarm:
“These figures reveal the huge pressure our public services will come under if we stay in the EU.
“We will be powerless to stop millions of Turks accessing our schools, hospitals and housing, who will be attracted to the UK by our higher wages and living standards.
“We are currently sending over £1billion to Turkey to help them join the EU - the only way to stop this affecting the UK is to Vote Leave on 23 June.”
Peter Bone, a prominent euroskeptic member of the British Parliament added:
“These figures demonstrate the true danger of remaining in the EU.
“Our public services are at breaking point and our housing stock depleted with the current situation of uncontrolled migration.
“Unless we leave the EU, there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop this influx of Turks.”
The Brits vote on whether to exit the EU on Thursday, June 23.
I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day.

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