Thursday, May 12, 2016

AZ Sheriff Arpaio: Donald Trump ‘Our Only Savior’ For Illegal Immigration

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio hopes Congress doesn’t persuade Donald Trump to alter any of his illegal immigration plans.

ARPAIO: I hope when the Speaker of the House met with Donald Trump that they’re not trying to play games. I’m talking about Congress again on the illegal immigration problems and trying to convince Donald Trump to change some of his policies. They’ve been talking about this for years, Congress has. Now are they trying to hook Donald Trump to get their way also? We have to have Donald Trump not give in, to do something about the problem. He’s our only savior right now.

On Wednesday, a Texas rancher told local news illegal immigrants are mocking U.S. immigration laws.

JUNIOR: It’s putting us to shame. They’re laughing at our rules, at our laws. They’re laughing at us. I don’t mind them coming over here, but what I do mind is they make a mockery of our laws, our rules. We can’t even go over there to Mexico and buy land. That’s what ticks me off.

But Arpaio didn't seem concerned with the push by Democrats to rush citizenship for thousands of immigrants before this November election.

ARPAIO: But if they want to sign up, it doesn’t mean, first of all, that they’re going to vote. Number two: what makes you think they’re all going to vote Democrat if they vote? So I don’t see any problem. It’s good, it’s good to get more people into the fold and start voting.

NEIL CAVUTO: That would be a kick wouldn’t it? If this push on the part of some Democrats to get them all registered and they end up voting for Donald Trump.

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