Friday, April 8, 2016

World Leaders Prepare Like Never Before! The End Has Just Begun!!!

And what exactly are they preparing for??? During this past 2016 Nuclear Summit Security (NSS), which took place on March 31-April 1, 2016, world leaders from over 50 nations, among the United Nations (U.N.) and European Union (E.U.), gathered together to discuss serious implications regarding “nuclear security,” “counterterrorism,” and possible scenarios regarding “terror drones.” Not to mention how they plan to go about their New World Order... Now why would world leaders such as Obama even bring up the scenario of nuclear terror drones as an “imminent threat,” and even a scenario involving “fake” apocalyptic news clips… Unless, they are the ones funding and preparing for and staging such a “threat?” And why is Mr. Obama so concerned about a “nuclear weapon” going off in Manhattan specifically — what could be the bigger implications here, and could this relate to the New World Order? Remember, nothing is ever a coincidence! The elite are letting us know what they plan on doing AHEAD of Time! And just what Time is it?!?! THE TRUTH REVEALED!!!

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