Wednesday, April 13, 2016


 Stefan Molyneux comments on the arrogance and ignorance of socialist certainty absent reason and evidence.

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1 comment:

  1. you are so way off men: think of Plato’s caves: what you see now is the image, not reality everything you said achieves nothing because the lot is inside the cave. And AIPAC owns your mind and reasoning capacity, the politicians trump is an example and Jeremy corbyn in Britain is another example as the French president, they have the CRIF a branch of AIPAC; the media Hollywood wall street, IMF, FMI world bank, Google Facebook etc. Europe fights, immigration, refugees, crimes Islam, fascism, etc., however Europe believes that the enemy is in Europe, is not is in AMERICA is called AIPAC. now what Europe perceive is Islam, refugees, wars, serfdom, fascism, but since the enemy is AIPAC it can't be defeated never, AIPAC is in America not Europe. now take America, same vision, Islam socialism, communism, religions, terrorism, Islam, race. all this is the mirror image of the problems in Europe created by AIPAC, but you believe is socialism, communism rapes, crimes gun control, ISIS etc., however they were created by AIPAC who is in America not Jerusalem neither Paris, therefore America cannot be liberated because the guy who imprisons America is AIPAC and not Islam or refugees in Europe Mexico or elsewhere. etc. hope is clear
