Saturday, April 23, 2016

Proof Saudis Helped Create ISIS

 Now that the Obama administration is finally admitting that, “a lot of the money, the seed money if you will, for what became Al Qaeda, came out of Saudi Arabia,” the grand chessboard that was supposed to usher in the new world order may now be disintegrating in front of our very eyes.

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  1. Is this the same plan used to create Alqueda as an adhoc CIA group in the mid1970's How did that work out? We have to stop covering up the bad choices of the past, face then and never repeat them again. in our 'arrogance' we think some group half way around the world is going to be loyal to the USA? Linda Joy Adams

  2. People think that all Saudis are Muslims, but the Saudi Royal family are Jews. For proof see Scroll about half way down and look for
    Saudis are Jews. This is my Did You Know? feature. This is a book that one can purchase.

    Also in this link about 75% of the way down in Black Bolded print:

    Another link that's not in my work proving that the Saudi Royal family are Jews: This link has the same writing as the book entitled The Arabs and the West , an ad which I have in the second link of my e-zine listed above.
