Monday, April 18, 2016

Is Deutsche Bank a Criminal Bank rotten to the core?

Is Deutsche Bank a Criminal Bank rotten to the core? Today is Monday 18th April 2016 and we are asking the question is Deutsche Bank a Criminal Bank rotten to the core? Banks worldwide provide jobs for many millions of people and generally perform well in money transmission services. Like all Industries and Companies they have good personnel and people who commit acts of wrong doing. This is the nature of life, business and human beings. However when an entity such as Deutsche Bank is fined over the past 20 years for numerous misdemeanours and acts of criminality, one has to ask whether such an entity is a ‘criminal one’ and rotten to the core. Its 2015 Annual Report shows that the Group has total assets of 1,629 billion euros, total net revenues of 33.5 billion euros, has 2790 branches and 101,104 full time employees. So indeed it’s a goliath organisation and obviously transacts millions of operations each year. Notwithstanding this its somewhat bewildering, if not frightening to see the number of illegal activities which either the organisation or people within that organisation have carried out over the past 20 years As if these were not enough, only last week, Deutsche Bank AG had reached settlements in lawsuits over allegations it manipulated gold and silver prices. Silver and gold futures traders sued groups of banks in 2014 alleging they rigged prices for the precious metals and their derivatives. Silver traders brought claims against Deutsche Bank, HSBC Holdings Plc, Bank of Nova Scotia and UBS AG. Gold traders additionally sued Barclays Plc and Societe Generale SA. So there we have it. Is Deutsche Bank just an ordinary institution that has its fair share of bad apples, or is it as the headline asks ‘rotten to the core’. We’d appreciate your views.

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