Tuesday, April 26, 2016

DONALD TRUMP Says GOP Primary 'Totally RIGGED and Broken'. Calls Out Crooked Hillary & Lying Ted

Ted Cruz and John Kasich are sudden allies -- but they're not friends. The Texas senator and Ohio governor roiled the Republican presidential primary late Sunday with a coordinated effort to deny Donald Trump the nomination by dividing upcoming contests. Cruz will focus on Indiana, the campaign said, while Kasich would devote his efforts to Oregon and New Mexico. But the competition between the two contenders was alive on the campaign trail Monday. Cruz hailed Kasich's decision to "pull out of Indiana to give us a head-to-head contest with Donald Trump." Kasich said the arrangement wasn't meant to discourage voters in Indiana, which holds its increasingly critical primary May 3, from supporting him. "I've never told them not to vote for me," he said. "They ought to vote for me. But I'm not over there campaigning and spending resources." Hillary Clinton cast Donald Trump as out of touch with the United States while campaigning Monday in Delaware, arguing that the Republican front-runner flies into states, gives speeches and then returns to the lap of luxury without listening to voters' problems. "Donald Trump says wages are too high in America and doesn't support raising the minimum wage and I have said, 'Come out of those towers named for yourself and actually talk and listen to people,'" Clinton said. "At some point, if you want to be president of the United States, you have to get familiar with the United States, you have to spend time with Americans of all sorts and backgrounds in every part of our country." TRUMP "Donald Trump" Republican vote election u.s. usa america "united states" "make america great again" "Hillary Cinton" "Ted Cruz" truth exposed media event conference stadium partner partnership 2016 2017 support "american dream" rich wealth wealthy elite news media entertainment trends trendy "Trump 2016" agenda "elite nwo agenda" Clinton has started to turn her focus to the general election after a sizable win in the New York primary last week, not even mentioning Democratic rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders once during her event. Donald Trump, after New York, increased his lead against Ted Cruz. Trump also continues to top Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in the elections to date. jsnip4 end game obama 3rd third term alex jones infowars bilderberg 2016 collapse earthquake Primary and caucus results to date (as of Thursday April 21st) show that Trump continues to outshine all candidates. According to his former senior advisor and close confidante Roger Stone, Donald Trump doesn’t button up his jacket during public appearances because he is always wearing a bullet proof vest. During his speech Donald Trump performed a hilarious Hillary Clinton impression. Pope slamming Trump for his border policy despite the fact that Vatican City is surrounded by a wall and allows almost no immigration.

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