Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Central Bankers And Corporations Are Running The Country: John Titus

Today's Guest: John Titus

Because the petro dollar is on the way out, is the main reason why the dollar will collapse. Because we have such massive trade and budget shortfalls, the petro dollar keeps the demand for dollars artificially high. When oil is traded with some other medium, the dollar is finished. Those trillions of dollars floating outside of the US will come home to roost and those imported socks that now cost $5 will cost $30. We are at the tipping point, $20 trillion of debt, Half a billion a year in trade deficits, 1 trillion in auto loans that will go sour, $1.3 trillion in student loans that will go sour, and $1 trillion in Credit card debt that will go sour. If our economy was strong and growing, why is walmart closing 155 stores in the US, why are other retailers closing thousands of stores as well. The government has said we are in recovery. In a normal recession, the recovery takes 6 to 12 months, not 7 years. In a normal recession recovery is 6 to 12 months and after that it is called a growth period. we have not seen a growth period rather we have had 3 rounds of QE that did not work. They have nothing left to fall back on. INterest rates are essentially zero, the government has maxed out their borrowing and can not rescue the economy. In the last 8 years the debt has gone from 9 to 20 trillion. Put a fork in it, we are cooked.

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