Friday, March 4, 2016


Alex Jones makes a powerful presentation profiling how the elite are corrupting humanity’s bright future with their self destructive dream of domination. Through soft , , or eugenics, they see us as a cancer that must be eliminated once the singularity occurs. Those that survive will serve. Humanity’s future is in peril thanks to so-called advancements in science and technology, claims Professor Stephen Hawking, who cited , global warming, and genetically-modified viruses” as deadly threats to our existence. "Smart tech" tech technology autonomous privacy social society drone 2016 2017 "united states" usa u.s. america "make america great again" world global elite wealthy truth forex dollar currency cash tracking RFID GMO information control humanity sci-fi news media entertainment system robot message CCTV "Smart TV" "Big Brother" prepare "Elite NWO Agenda" CERN about the potential for the Higgs Boson “God Particle” to initiate “catastrophic vacuum decay” — the formation of a quantum bubble that expands at the speed of light and could decimate the entire universe. Concern over the automation of the world’s workforce coupled with capitalist greed also earned the scientist’s stern alarm. Private banking cartel seek to enslave humanity through socialism before their final eugenics end game is revealed. Alex Jones talks with Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo about her experience at the AAAI conference and what the future of AI looks like. Anthony Gucciardi breaks down how the globalists want to keep you mentally numb and socially comatose without ever knowing your own potential. A new report suggests that the marriage of AI and robotics could replace so many jobs that the era of mass employment could come to an end.

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