Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Obama Set To Put In New Law That Can Put Everyone In Jail

In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the biggest legal change in privacy law that will have a profound affect on the American way of life. We go over Obama's new guidelines that will allow the NSA to share all of your private information with other federal agencies for domestic policing. This means the IRS, DEA, FBI other federal agencies with cooperation from local police departments will be able to know everything about you. This is the scariest law change that is not even being publicly debated or being voted upon that will change the very fabric of this country. Share this video with your friends and family and thank you for watching and supporting real independent media.

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1 comment:

  1. The forerunner of this was in the Privacy Act of 1974, one of the Watergate era laws. What that did was put it illegal to share info aong federal agencies unless it was for purposes of the receiving agency's program purpose. And it intimated sharing among other groups authorized to receive it. CHECK IT OUT! No one ever imagined at the time that the law, was the opposite of privacy. But there were legal penalties to not misue the info. What has been changed in 2002 was the defunding of any interal audit controls and criminal allegations investigated or prosecuted of the government contrators who is the ones gathering the info now on all of us. ENTITIES THAT ARE THE INTERNATIONAL CABAL THAT CONGRESS GAVE, IN 2002, IMMUNITY TO WHAT THEY DO SINCE THERE IS NO FUNDING FROM CONGRESS TO OVER SEE WHAT THEY DO AND CAN;T STOP THE BLATANT THEFTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTED CRIMES. INCLDUING DEFYING 38 FEDERAL AGENICES JUDGES ON MU CASES ALONE. So this law just seems codify what is already law, and few knew it, even those in congress who have gagged themselves to not know or' bother the contractors. who are mostoly under CEO Lynn Blodgett at present as he is the one named by high level govt official who has control of all of our data and records under a 150? company names and no one in the real govt has access to know. Its what is wrong with health care he totally controls in this nation and congress will not fix that and until they do NO HEALTH PLAN IS GOING TO WORK TO PROMOTE HEALTH CARE OR BE FOR REAL HEALTHCARE.
