Sunday, March 6, 2016

Criminals Running America -- Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts-Criminals Running US Government

Are criminals running the U.S. government? Catherine Austin Fitts, who is a former Assistant HUD Secretary, says, “Yes. . . . The American government . . . is running the central banking warfare model globally, and it depends heavily on criminal profits. If you look at the general population, the general population supports that. . . . The general population supports that as long as they can pretend they don’t have responsibility for that. If you look at the drug trafficking, the mortgage fraud, stuffing innocent people into prison, that is being implemented one county at a time in 3,100 counties. There are millions of Americans getting paid to put a pretty face to it. . . . The party with the debt growth model is over, and that means the party is over for a lot of people who are unproductive.” Fitts goes on to say, “I agree with Winston Churchill, and he said, ‘Tell the people.’ If you tell the people what the real problems are and give them the tools . . . the wealth potential with new technologies and where you have rule of law where people believe in an economy where winners are allowed to happen. . . . Wow, it could be incredible.”

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1 comment:

  1. The criminals are the globalists in both parties, especially those running for president. They are lying, cheating, committing fraud, and felonies to put one of their own globalist in the Oval Office. The people have had enough of globalist presidents for decades. WE WANT TRUMP, a man who love America and its people and is willing to endure the hatred from these globalist enemies of freedom - his own GOP, the DNC, the MSM - and to pay for it all himself. TRUMP 2016, of the people, by the people and for the people. If the nomination is stolen from him by globalists rubion, cruz, romney or any one of the other foul members of congress, there will be riots and a massive rebellion. We have had ENOUGH!
