Friday, March 18, 2016

Clif High -- Web Bot Trends: The World in 2016

 S y n o p s i s

This is a 3-hour interview discussing the latest ALTA report as well as the most important events affecting humanity.

Topics discussed: San Bernardino Attack Hegelian Dialectic returns Gun control discussion The mainstream media as propaganda machine Paris Attack Analysis Vladimir Putin Types of individuals: R or K / Stoic vs Epicurean Hyper-sexualization of the youth The death of the US dollar empire ISIS / ISIL / Daesh How a terrorist is created and the war machine perpetuated History of Saudi Arabia and their role in creating terrorism via the Wahhabist virus What killed planet Mars Terra discussion and the possibility of Hurricane Patricia being psyop Climate Change agenda Solar cycles Precious metals Yuan accepted by IMF as one of the basket reserve currencies (10.4%). Inter-dimensional threat (TPTB are afraid of something) Video games-military recruitment connection Chinese uncover underground facility from an ancient culture with serious finds. Europe leaning right due to forced immigration and threatening their cultures Reverse migration in USA due to economy and in Europe due to rise of right. TPTB goal is to eliminate nationalism and flood developed countries with migrants at an exponential level. They want Earthers. Japan leaves pacifism behind to get out of financial recession/depression (a la Margaret Thatcher) but the populace is rejecting this. Secession movements grow in the USA (Texas takes the initiative) Mutiny in the Air Force. Revolt in the Army. All due to forced immigration to the USA. Muslim population/immigrants will be relocated to the western United States. Election process in 2016 will fracture in the USA due to economy March-July 2016 hyperinflation in the USA China will experience a large-scale UFO wave Clif's argument against the flat earth theory Has Clif ever seen a photograph of Earth that is not CGI? Watch yourself - self preservation - stay healthy (listen to Sanitas).

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. (We) in many ways remain wholly; it appears that neutrinos do have feelings and in this case, in space and time they could happen to communicate amongst themselves. They exist somehow on every living organism on the planet earth, as they communicate and evolve, this or better says “they then (we) communicate amongst ourselves as neutrino’s. In other words neutrinos of a Syrian soldier on a conflict send messages to other neutrinos around the planet as this effect amplifies the neutrinos blend and form in to a sensible form. This image reproduced on different sides of the planet the same way a human uses the internet, or describes telepathy, wireless. In practical terms, the slaying of a living in one side of the planet affects someone in the other side of the planet. The result is his own device downfalls his desire intention. The event takes place as the planner of the event surpassed by the communal neutrinos defeats his intention and reverts the desired purpose. It relates in some ways visually to the Mayans myth, the Mayan calendar, as an inverted image; rather than Martians getting to planet earth there, were earthlings conquering mars; the Mayans gods when to mars and those that remained on planet earth were the leftovers of the galactic war. More precisely the planet inhabitants blew up mars. However, that will reverse most scientific reality, but it can be possible, that the Atlantis was before the dinosaurs 231.4 million years ago on a kinetic nonlinear time. The static linear time construct events on linear form as it loops it in perfect circles. The kinetic nonlinear time waves and dance as it moves.
