Thursday, March 10, 2016

BIOMETRIC FACIAL RECOGNITION AT U.S. BORDER - New Big Brother Tech Being Tested For Nationwide Use!

BIOMETRIC FACIAL RECOGNITION AT U.S. BORDER - New Big Brother Tech Being Tested For Nationwide Use! 

The federal government is using eye scans and facial recognition technology for the first time to verify the identities of foreigners leaving the United States on foot — a trial move aimed at closing a longstanding security gap, officials announced Thursday.

Before now, foreigners who left the country were rarely checked by U.S. authorities as they walked into Mexico or Canada through ports of entry.

The checkout system that launched Feb. 11 at a busy San Diego border crossing with Mexico aims to ensure those who enter the country leave when their visas expire and identify those who violate that. Up to half of the people in the U.S. illegally are believed to have overstayed their visas.

Border officials in December started collecting the same information on non-citizens walking into the U.S. through the Otay Mesa crossing connecting Tijuana and San Diego.

Congress has long demanded biometric screening like fingerprints, facial images or eye scans from people leaving the country, but the task has posed enormous financial and logistical challenges at busy land crossings. Privacy advocates worry the data could be misused or fall into the wrong hands.

Visa is beginning a proof of concept trial in South Africa to test a payments specification that uses biometrics to verify chip card transactions. Absa Bank, a subsidiary of Barclays Africa Group, intends to use the specification on fingerprint readers at selected ATMs in lieu of a PIN.

The specification can enable palm, voice, iris or facial biometrics, according to Visa. With fingerprints, for example, the technology allows a fingerprint to be securely accepted by a biometric reader, encrypted, and then validated. The technology framework is designed to work with the Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV) chip standard to ensure global interoperability. Which means that although the trial is limited to South Africa, where Visa is admirably focused on providing the population easier access to banking, it could eventually expand to other regions where EMV is supported. Biometrics Biotech Border U.S. USA America "United States" Travel Immigration "U.S. Visa" Tracking Iris Scanner machine tech technology mexico america secure security "Big Brother" CCTV Information Data Passport test analysis "U.S. Citizenship" privacy Rights Law GPS Camera "Elite NWO Agenda" "Big Brother" encryption 2016 2017 system IRIS Scan CCTV "Saving Account" "Off The Grid" iphone apple privacy ID Identity elite "Elite NWO Agenda" drone gerald celente coast to coast am jim rogers mark faber lindsey williams montagraph end times illuminati bilderberg 2016 rothschild rothchilds 

And as we all know, the US migration to EMV standards is right around the corner. However, Visa did not make any expansion plans immediately clear.

"There is increasing demand for biometrics as a more convenient and secure alternative to signatures or PINs, especially as biometrics technologies have become more reliable and available," said Mark Nelsen, SVP of Risk Products and BI for Visa, in a statement. "However, to support wide adoption, it is equally important that solutions are scalable and based on open standards. Building on the EMV chip standard provides a common, interoperable foundation, as well as encourages innovation in cutting-edge biometric solutions."

For now it seems as though use cases for the specification are limited to just chip-enabled ATMs, but it's not hard to imagine biometrics eventually trumping PINs at the point of sale.

Visa said it plans to offer the technology to EMVCo, the global technical organization that manages the EMV Specifications, to further develop and administer the standard. Following the announcement of the new iPhone 6, Twitter exploded with concerns that Apple’s new ‘Apple Pay’ system, which uses the cellphone’s fingerprint scanner to complete purchases, represents the biblical “mark of the beast.” iphone 7 ipad Alex Jones breaks down the “Mark of the Beast” and discusses the elite’s plan to bring the world under total tyranny. Basically, we are witnessing the end of a strong global economy. Brought to a screeching halt by the billionaires that reaped its benefits.

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