Friday, March 4, 2016

AJ Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday 3/04/2016: Jesse Ventura

-- Date: March 04, 2016 --
Today on The Alex Jones Show
On this Friday, March 4th edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the aftermath of last night’s GOP debate and how Trump’s pulling way ahead of the rest of the field to the anger of the establishment. Trump insider and GOP strategist Roger Stone breaks down how the establishment will attempt to steal the election form the people. Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura joins the broadcast to give his take on the election cycle and his hint that he may join the race. Also radio host Doug Hagmann discusses the controversy surrounding the Supreme Court vacancy left open by Antonin Scalia. Tune in!

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1 comment:

  1. Jesse Ventura was NEVER A NAVY SEAL And he was a lousy Governor who stopped the excellent auto emission testing program, killed caged birds at a game farm with Maria Shriver,took credit for the light rail line that was 20 years in the works, lied and lied. He didn't run for a second term because he would be rejected and he used the excuse that it was too hard for his wife (who lied at the Chris Kyle trial). Now his wife is o.k. with being in the White House? Ventura and his family are frauds. His son Tyrel calls himself Ventura when his name is Janos. Why is he ashamed of his Janos name?
    Learn the truth about Ventura the phony Navy SEAL, briber, liar, and bully from the book I wrote about him, at my expense, in 2002 -
    Leslie Davis
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
