Thursday, February 25, 2016

WW3 ALERT -- Hizbullah Threatens Haifa Ammonia Storage Facility: The Impact Will Be Like That of a Nuclear Bomb

Nasrallah Threatens Haifa Ammonia Storage Facility: The Impact Will Be Like That of a Nuclear Bomb

In a speech delivered on February 16, Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah threatened to attack the Haifa ammonia storage facility in the next war, causing destruction similar to that of a nuclear bomb. Nasrallah mentioned the so-called "Dahiya Doctrine," associated with Israeli Chief of General Staff Eizenkot. Nasrallah quoted an "Israeli expert," who said that such an attack would leave tens of thousands dead. "Several missiles launched from here together with the ammonia containers in Haifa," he said, “would lead to the same impact as a nuclear bomb." Nasrallah added that Hizbullah "does not want war," but must be ready for it in order to prevent it.

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