Thursday, February 4, 2016

Putin and Kissinger Meet To Discuss New World Order

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the important geo political meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and globalist henchman Henry Kissinger. We go into who Henry Kissinger is, the strings that he pulls geo politically and current escalating situation between the U.S and Russia. This news is only provided to you because of you, check out our store and t-shirts to grow our operation

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  1. 1967 as usual, and vietnam & israeli wars : simultaneously, closer and closer. new vietnam is China. however not quite the same size. NATO in between, and confuse !! europe as a whole plays the tune of washington and puts its population at risk.

  2. What a creepy animal kissinger is. I can't even get myself to call him a human being.
    The world is a fake stage people. It's managed and controlled by these lucifarian devil worshippers and I feel sorry for every person in the military or police force who lose their lives for these wicked evil people. They don't fight for their country like they are brainwashed into believing, no, they fight and lose their life for these evil rotten souls. I wish people would take the time to see through every political person around the globe. If people did, they would see the lies and deceit and wouldn't put up with these corrupt souls and maybe then, we could have peace on this planet. But that is why the king of kings will return again. Get right with God people. Repent of your sins, confess Jesus as your personal savior and accept him into your heart. This world is a spiritual battle and nothing less. The chess match continues between good and evil until the end of days.
