Saturday, January 23, 2016

Wall St. In Free Fall! Gerald Celente Explains The Panic & Global Recession W/ Host Brian Engelman

 "Agree To Disagree" host Brian Engelman welcomes Gerald Celente to discuss the Wall Street panic that has gripped 2016.

Gerald Celente is the Publisher of The Trends Journal and has earned the reputation as “today’s most trusted name in trends” for accurate & timely forecasts since 1980.

Brian & Gerald discuss:
- Waking up into the new year into a global recession,
- What did we learn from the "Weekend At Bernie's" economic collapse of 2007?
- What role has the federal reserve and federal government played in creating, continuing, & covering up the true financial health of America?
- How is the low price of oil impacting the markets?
- What should we think about the closing of hundreds of Wal-Marts?
- Can capitalism be blamed for the mess that we are in?
- How do the global financial markets make this crisis different?
- Is it possible that we could see a "bank holiday" on the horizon?

- What performance should we expect from commodities?
- Is there any Presidential candidate that would be healthy for our economy?
- In which ways would Gerald suggest that we prepare?

Brian & Gerald discuss all this, & much, much more!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. just a technological update, this update no longer flows with wall street, neither a global reserve currency, in other words all nations become one, sort of world order, however the top is not part of wall street neither IMF. economy since the industrial revolution does not function as expected. the result is the wall street master no longer understand not just the market but the whole system, economical monetary and political, they could probably look for a fascist realm to compensate, that will not fix anything. because is not related to oppression is just a change of system, oppression as well evolves into other forms. think that now you use 15% of brain power, in 2015 you had only 10% available.
