Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Fall of Canada Prepare Yourself

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, deconstructs the myths of Canada's economic strength. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. mention was made re Aboriginal children and the poor communities they live in. More than $1million dollars for each man, woman and child has been spent by the taxpayers over the last 50years and nothing much to show for it. (there has been a few corrupt bastards who pocketed huge sums of this money )
    the problem lies with alcohol, substance abuse, petrol sniffing, glue sniffing and single parent households where a substantial number of girls are raped. ONE HAS TO ASK WHERE ARE THE PARENTS AND WHY DO THEY NOT CARE - it is all too obvious when you see toddlers roaming the streets at 2am while the parents are drunk or stoned. It is a pathetic site when children go hungry because the parents spend the dole money on drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. WOE TO THOSE WHO WILLINGLY NEGLECT THEIR CHILDREN TO FEED THEIR OWN GREEDY WANTS AND HABITS.
    Much more could be said but it is too depressing.

  2. ......and further to the Aboriginal problem. There is no need for any Aboriginal child to be un-educated. When I was in secondary school, all the aboriginal children received free education and guaranteed entry to University - special place reserved - and they also received funding for sport - NONE OF WHICH OTHER POOR CHILDREN IN THE SAME SCHOOL RECEIVED - this was discriminaton against others who were just as deserving of support.

    ALL TAXPAYER FUNDING SHOULD BE IN THE FORM OF A CREDIT CARD WHICH CAN ONLY BE USED FOR FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AND CLOTHING, ELECTRICITY and WATER. This would ensure that all children are fed and do not suffer and hence their health would benefit if adults were not allowed to spend other's hard earned money on SUGAR, CIGARETTES, ALCOHOL, FAST FOODS, ETC.
    The problem could be easily fixed but people are just not interested - they have their own agendas.
