Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stock Market Plunges 500 Points on Oil, China, and Crashing Economy!

 This isn't capitalism or free market. This is a rigged corporate crowny government made system which is debt ridden and rotten.

 Try this: In 1999, about the same time Citi Bank bribed Congress and rescinded Glass Steagel, the big banks were also allowed to trade commodities. They bid them up, hedged them and manipulated them until the commodities bubble got larger and larger. Then economy started faltering in 2013, taking commodity prices (energy and metals) lower to where they are today. Now the financing and the derivative hedging is left over and the assets (the commodities themselves) were never properly marked to market when loans along the way through the years were taken. Congress is trying to leave the taxpayer holding the bag and that's why Clinton wants higher income taxes. Capitulation will occur after the 2016 election as the election is much more important than we the people.

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